Justin Gay
Position title: Research Associate
Email: jgay2@wisc.edu
Phone: (978) 501-0688
Agricultural Engineering Building
460 Henry Mall
Madison, WI 53706
Professional website: https://justingay802.wixsite.com/justin-gay-ecology
Twitter: @TheFulgur_ite
Program Affiliations
- Biological Systems Engineering
- Soil Science
Education and Certificates
- B.S. 2011 – Environmental Science, Endicott College, Beverly MA
- M.A. 2015 – Science Curriculum and Instruction, University of Vermont, Burlington VT
- Ph.D. 2022 – Ecology and Environmental Science, Montana State University, Bozeman MT
Fields of Interest
- Terrestrial ecosystem ecology
- Soil organic matter biogeochemistry (nitrogen and carbon cycling)
- Soil greenhouse gas flux
- Global climate and land use change
- Sustainable agriculture and bioenergy
- Stable isotopes
- Goemann, H, J.D. Gay, R. Mueller, P. Miller, ENJ Brookshire, B. Poulter, B. Peyton. 2021 Above and below-ground responses to a cyanobacterial biofertilizer supplement in a semi-arid bioenergy cropping system. Global Change Biology: Bioenergy. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcbb.12892
- Epstein, K., Wood, D., Roemer, K., Currey, B., Duff, H., Gay, J.D., Goemann, H., Loewen, S., Milligan, M., Wendt, J., Brookshire, E. N. J., Maxwell, B., McNew, L., McWethy, D., Stoy, P., & Haggerty, J. (2021). Toward an urgent yet deliberate conservation strategy: Sustaining social-ecological systems in rangelands of the Northern Great Plains, Montana. Ecology and Society, 26(1). https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-12141-260110
- Gay, J.D., H. Goemann, B. Currey, P.C Stoy, J. R, Christiansen P. Miller, B. Peyton, B. Poulter, E.N.J Brookshire. Evaluating the climate mitigation potential and soil microbial response of cyanobacteria-fertilized bioenergy crops on semi-arid cropland. In review Global Change Biology: Bioenergy.
- Gay, J. D., B. Currey, E. N. J. Brookshire. Global distribution and climate sensitivity of soil nitrogen in montane tropical forests. In revision Nature Communications