Shanon Hankin

Position title: Research Program Coordinator


Phone: (608) 265-9065

125 Agricultural Engineering Building
460 Henry Mall
Madison, WI 53706

Headshot of Shanon

Program Affiliations

Biological Systems Engineering

Education and Certificates

  • B.S. – Biology & Environmental Studies, North Central College
  • M.S. – Forest Biology & Management, University of Alberta

Fields of Interest

  • Designing international networks to address the degradation of agricultural lands and soil systems
  • Ecological restoration
  • Mycorrhizal fungal community ecology
  • Diatom communities as ecological indicators
  • Arboriculture


  • Hankin S.L. & G. Watson. 2020. Oak taproot growth disruption differentially impacts root architecture during nursery production. Forests. 11: 798.
  • Hankin S.L., G. Watson, M. Lo, and F. Balestri. 2019. Tree seedling root architecture alteration by tap root pruning. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 37: 50-54.
  • Pec G.J., N.M. Scott, S. Hupperts, S.L. Hankin, S. Landhäusser, and J. Karst. 2019. Restoration of belowground fungal communities in reclaimed landscapes of the Canadian boreal forest. Restoration Ecology. 27: 1369-1380.
  • Hankin S.L., J. Karst, and S.M. Landhäusser. 2015. Influence of tree species and salvaged soils on the recovery of ectomycorrhizal fungi in upland boreal forest restoration after surface mining. Botany. 93: 267-277.
  • Hankin S.L., C.L. Weilhoefer, J.E. Kaldy, and T.H. DeWitt. 2012. Sediment diatom species and community response to nitrogen addition in Oregon estuarine tidal wetlands. Wetlands. 32: 1023-1031.