The BSE shop is open to all BSE students who have completed the shop safety agreement form (renewed annually), found in the Canvas training course, as well as read and understood the Shop Rules. In addition, a yearly refresher is required which consists of watching the shop safety presentation and completing a short yearly safety quiz. Whether you have never worked in a shop before, or already feel at home working with this type of machinery, we welcome you to the BSE Shop and want to make you feel comfortable in this learning environment.
Canvas Training Course
To operate any of the shop machines, you must first be authorized by completing the online Canvas training course and provide a one-on-one hands on operation with the shop supervisor to demonstrate understanding of the machine’s controls and capabilities. To maintain a safe work environment, the shop is under 24-hour video surveillance.
BSE students also have access to the College of Engineering’s TEAM Lab, located in the Engineering Centers Building. More information can be found here.