Gary Bubenzer
Position title: Emeritus Professor: Erosion and Small Watershed Hydrology
Phone: (608) 262-1106
231 Agricultural Engineering Building
460 Henry Mall
Madison, WI 53706
Fields of Interest
- Research in the area of erosion mechanics and evaluation of Best Management Practices for erosion control on urbanizing areas.
- Undergraduate teaching responsibilities include courses in fundamentals of surveying, water management for irrigation and drainage, hydrology, and erosion control. Graduate instruction in hydrology and sedimentology.
Selected Awards and Honors
- Outstanding Instructor. Polygon Board of the College of Engineering. University of Wisconsin.
- Guest Scholar, Research Fellowship. Kyoto University, Kyoto Japan. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
- Excellence in Teaching. College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. University of Wisconsin.
- Faculty Alumni Citation. Vincennes University. Vincennes, Indiana.
- Engineer of the Year. Wisconsin Section of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Fellow. American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
- Director’s Citation for Soil and Water Division. American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
Leadership Roles
- Responsible for extension programming related to erosion and storm water control from urbanizing areas.