Larry Chapman
Position title: Senior Scientist Emeritus
Phone: (608) 241-0078
125 Agricultural Engineering Building
460 Henry Mall
Madison, WI 53706

Fields of Interest
- Ergonomics, work design, labor efficiency, human performance.
- Neurobehavioral toxicology, musculoskeletal disorders, occupational stress.
- Public health, occupational and environmental injury and disease recognition, identification, and control.
- Interventions, intervention effectiveness, intervention evaluation, technology transfer, diffusion of innovations.
- Work methods that Increase production efficiency while they reduce exposures to injury and disease hazards in dairy, berry, fresh market vegetable and nursery production practices.
- Cunningham TR, Flynn MA, Chapman LJ. Safety culture, green construction, and a multi-ethnic workforce. American Society of Safety Engineers Conference Paper. Session no. 662. Atlanta GA. June 26-29, 2016.
- Flynn MA, Cunningham TR, Guerin RJ, Keller B, Chapman LJ, Hudson D, Salgado C. NIOSH, ASSE. Overlapping vulnerabilities: the occupational safety and health of young workers in small construction firms. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2015-178. May 2015.
- Chapman LJ, Newenhouse AC. Nursing home staff perception of a falls management intervention. Wisconsin Medical Journal 2013;112(4):162-168.
- Chapman LJ, Brunette CM, Taviera AD. A seven year intervention to diffuse economic innovations with safety benefits to Wisconsin dairy farmers. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 2013;19(3): 147-162.
- Chapman LJ, Newenhouse AC, Karsh BT. Evaluation of a three year intervention to increase adoption of safer nursery crop production practices. Applied Ergonomics 2010;41(1):18-26.
- Chapman LJ, Newenhouse AC, Karsh BT, Taveira AD. The use and value of information systems as evaluated by dairy and specialty crop farm mangers. Journal of Agromedicine, 2009;14(1):1-12.
- Chapman LJ, Taveira A, Karsh B, Josefsson K, Newenhouse A, Meyer R. Work exposures, injuries and musculoskeletal discomfort among children and adolescents in dairy farming. Journal of Agromedicine 2009;14(1):9-21.
- Chapman LJ, Taveira A, Karsh B, Josefsson K, Newenhouse A, Meyer R. Work exposures, injuries and musculoskeletal discomfort among children and adolescents in dairy farming. Journal of Agromedicine 2009;14(1):9-21.
- Scharf T, Chapman LJ, Collins J, Limanowski J, Heaney C, Goldenhar LM. Intervention effectiveness evaluation criteria: promoting competitions and raising the bar. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 2008;13(1):1-9.
- Chapman LJ, Newenhouse AC, Pereira KM, Karsh B, Meyer RM, Brunette CM, Ehlers J. Evaluation of a four year intervention to reduce musculoskeletal hazards among berry growers. Journal of Safety Research 2008;39(2):215-224.
- Chapman LJ, Newenhouse A, Meyer R, Karsh B, Taveira A, Miquelon M. Musculoskeletal discomfort, injuries, and tasks accomplished by children and adolescents in Wisconsin fresh market vegetable production. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 2003:9(2):91-105.
- Josefsson KG, Chapman LJ, Taveira A, Holmes BJ, Hard DL. A hazard analysis of three silage storage methods for dairy cattle. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2001;7(7):1895-1908.
- Chapman LJ, Schuler RT, Wilkinson TL, Skjolaas CA. Agricultural work safety efforts by Wisconsin county public health departments. Public Health Reports 1996;11:437-443.
- Chapman LJ, Schuler RT, Wilkinson TL, Skjolaas CA. Farm work hazard prevention efforts by school-based agricultural education instructors. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 1995;28:565-577.
- Chapman LJ, Schuler RT, Wilkinson TL, Skjolaas CA. Agricultural work safety efforts by Wisconsin Extension agricultural agents. Journal of Rural Health 1995;11:295-304.
- Chapman LJ, Henning RA, Sauter SL, Levine RL, Matthews CG, Peters HL, Reddan WG, DoPico GA. Neurotoxic illness in the grain industry: index cases of fumigant parkinsonism. In: HH Mcduffie et al. (Eds.) Supplement to Agricultural Health and Safety: Workplace, Environment, Sustainability. Saskatoon, Canada: Univ of Saskatchewan 1994: 111-122.
- Chapman LJ, Sauter SL, Henning RA, Levine RL, Matthews CG, Peters HL. Finger tremor after carbon disulfide-based pesticide exposures. Archives of Neurology 1991;48:866-870.
- Chapman LJ, Sauter SL, Henning RA, Dodson VN, Reddan WG, Matthews CG. Differences in frequency of finger tremor in otherwise asymptomatic mercury workers. British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1990;47:838-843.
- Sauter SL, Chapman LJ, Knutson SJ, Anderson HA. Case example of wrist trauma in keyboard use. Applied Ergonomics 1987;18:183-186.
- Michener H, Vaske J, Schleifer S, Plazewski J, Chapman LJ. Factors affecting concession rate and threat usage in bilateral conflict. Sociometry l975;38:62-80
- Chapman LJ, Taveira AD, Newenhouse AC, Meyer RH, Josefsson KG. Casual factors in production agriculture injuries: working children and youth versus adults. In S Kumar (Ed.) Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety 1998:73-76.
- Scharf T, Kidd P, Cole H, Bean T, Chapman LJ, Donham K, Baker D. Intervention tools for farmers: safe and productive work practices in a safer work enviroment. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 1998:193-203.
- Champan LJ. Ginseng, mint, and other herbs. In J Stellman (Ed.) ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Safety and Health Chapter 64 Agriculture and Natural Resource Based Industries. Geneva: International Labor Office, 1997: 64.52-64.53.