Iris Feng

Position title: Research Associate


Phone: (864) 986-2404

232E Agricultural Engineering building
460 Henry Mall
Madison, WI 53706

Feng pic

Program Affiliations

Biological Systems Engineering

Education and Certificates

  • Ph.D 2018 – Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Purdue University
  • M.S. – 2014 – Environmental Engineering and Earth Science, Clemson University

Fields of Interest

  • Animal building environment control
  • Livestock air quality
  • Manure and house management
  • Agricultural data analysis
  • Life cycle assessment



  • Feng, X.Y., and T.H. Walker. 2014. Biomass and lipid production of Chlorella protothecoides under heterotrophic cultivation on a mixed waste substrate of brewer fermentation and crude glycerol. Bioresource technology 166:17-23.
  • Wang, C.Y., G.T. Jiang, E. Kebreab, J.H. Li, X.Y. Feng, C. Li, X. Zhang, X. Huang, C.K. Fang, R.J. Fang, Q.Z. Dai. 2020. 1H NMR-based metabolomics study of breast meat from Pekin and Linwu duck of different ages and relation to meat quality. Food Research International. In Press, Journal Pre-proof, available online.
  • Feng, X.Y., J. Dijkstra, A. Bannink, S. van Gastelen, J. France, E. Kebreab. 2020. Anti-methanogenic effects of nitrate supplementation in ruminants: A meta-analysis. Journal of Dairy Science. (Accepted)
  • Feng, X.Y., and E. Kebreab. 2020. Net benefit in greenhouse gases reduction in California dairy cows supplemented with 3-nitroxypropanol and nitrate: A life cycle assessment. PLOS One. (Accepted)
  • Honan, M., X.Y. Feng, J. Tricarico and E. Kebreab. 2020. Review of feed additives used to reduce enteric methane emissions from cattle. Animal Production Science. (Accepted)