David Kammel
Position title: Emeritus Professor and Extension Specialist
Email: dwkammel@wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 262-9776
232A Agricultural Engineering Building
460 Henry Mall
Madison, WI 53706
Program Affiliations
- Biological Systems Engineering
Education and Certificates
- B.S. 1978 – Agricultural Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- M.S. 1981 – Agricultural Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Ph.D. 1985 – Agricultural Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Fields of Interest
- Livestock Housing Systems
- Dairy Facility System Design
- Grazing System Design
- FISC- Livestock Housing
- Kammel, D.W. 2003. Remodeling a Tiestall Barn for an Interim Milking parlor. Proceedings from Building freestall barns and Milking Centers. Camp Hill, PA. NRAES-148..pp 363-374.
- Kammel, W.W. A. Brannstrom. 2002. Dairy Housing and Manure Management Alternatives. Center for Dairy Profitability. 285 Animal Science Bldg., 1675 Observatory Drive. Madison, WI. 53706.
- Kammel, D.W. A. Brannstrom. 2002. Low Cost Parlor CD. Center for Dairy Profitability. 285 Animal Science Bldg., 1675 Observatory Drive. Madison, WI. 53706.
- Bickert, et. al. 2000. Dairy Freestall Hosing and Equipment. MWPS-7. Seventh Edition. MWPS. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. 50011-3080
- Kammel, D.W., W.G. Bickert, M. Glewen, S. Hendrickson, S. Gunderson. 1996. Greenhouse Barns for Dairy Housing. MWPS AED-40. Midwest Plan Service.
- Kammel, D.W., R.T. Noyes, G.L. Riskowski, V.L. Hofman. Revised 1995. Designing facilities for Pesticide and Fertilizer Containment. MWPS-37. Primary author on eight of twelve chapters, MidWest Plan Service, Ames, IA.
Selected Awards and Honors
- HVLS ventilation fans. Total Grant $25,000. Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, Wisconsin Focus on Energy, HVLS Company. Poster Session at ASAE Summer 2002 Meeting in Chicago. Results to be presented at Dairy Housing V 2003 Dallas Texas.
- Center for Dairy Profitability. Total Grant $10,000. Development and production of CD material, Coordinate and provide professional development training for agricultural agents and Agricultural professionals. Develop Farm Credit Appraisal Database.
Expertise Summary
The majority of my work this year has been in dairy modernization efforts. This includes programming and coordinating programs in dairy facilities and feeding systems including low cost milking centers, free stall barns, special needs and transition cow barns, and TMR feeding equipment. Much of this work has been with family dairy farms in transition from 60 cows in a tie stall barn to parlor freestall system. This work has been accomplished through the Dairy Modernization workgroup of the Dairy Team which I co-chair. I was also co-chair of the Dairy Theme tent in Farm Progress Days 2002 and am co-chair of the Educational Committee for Farm Technology Days 2003. Through the Dairy Modernization workgroup I coordinated the development of two CDs on Low Cost Parlors, and Dairy Housing and Manure Management Alternatives and coordinated a professional training session for agricultural agents and dairy professionals with these teaching CD’s. These CDs are distributed to all agricultural agents with dairy responsibility and are for sale to educators and the general public. I cooperated with D.R. Bohnhoff on a post embedment research project, and dry concrete hydration research project. I developed preliminary research information and received $25,000 grant for field research on High Volume Low Speed fan systems on ten dairy farms.