Richard E. Muck

Position title: Emeritus Professor: Modeling Forage Preservation


Phone: (608) 264-5245

232 Dairy Forage Research Center
1925 Linden Drive West
Madison, WI 53706

Richard Muck

Program Affiliations

Education and Certificates

  • B.S. 1971 – Agricultural Engineering, Cornell University
  • M.S.E. 1973 – Environmental Engineering, Purdue University
  • Ph.D. 1978 – Agricultural Waste Management, Cornell University

Fields of Interest

  • Silage quality: how ensiling a crop changes its nutritive value to livestock
  • Silage management: understanding the management factors that influence the preservation of a crop by ensiling
  • Silage-environment interactions: understanding the role of ensiling and silage feeding on nutrient balances on dairy farms.


Selected Journal Papers

  • Weinberg, Z. G., R. E. Muck, and P. J. Weimer. 2003. The survival of silage inoculant lactic acid bacteria in rumen fluid. J. Applied Microbiology. 94(6):1066-1071.
  • Muck, R. E. and R. W. Hintz. 2003. Effects of breeding for quality on alfalfa ensilability. Transactions of the ASAE. 46(5):1305-1309.
  • Owens, V. N., K. A. Albrecht, and R. E. Muck. 2002. Protein degradation and fermentation characteristics of unwilted red clover and alfalfa silage harvested at various times during the day. Grass and Forage Science. 57(4):329-341.
  • Muck, R. E. and B. J. Holmes. 2000. Factors affecting bunker silo densities. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 15(6):613-619.
  • Rotz, C. A., L. D. Satter, D. R. Mertens, and R. E. Muck. 1999. Feeding strategy, nitrogen cycling, and profitability of dairy farms. Journal of Dairy Science. 82(12):2841-2855.
  • Owens, V. N., K. A. Albrecht, R. E. Muck, and S. H. Duke. 1999. Protein degradation and fermentation characteristics of red clover and alfalfa silage harvested with varying levels of total nonstructural carbohydrates. Crop Science. 39(6):1873-1880.
  • Owens, V. N., K. A. Albrecht, and R. E. Muck. 1999. Protein degradation and ensiling characteristics of red clover and alfalfa under varying levels of shade. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 79(2):209-222.
  • Muck, R. E., Z. G. Weinberg, D. I. Rouse, and B. R. Igl. 1999. Ensiling of potato vines. Transactions of the ASAE. 42(3):565-572.
  • Muck, R. E. 1999. Influence of air on the preservation and aerobic spoilage of silages. Transactions of the ASAE. 42(3):573-581.
  • Kraus, T. J., R. E. Muck, and R. G. Koegel. 1999. Effect of maceration on respiration of alfalfa. Trans. ASAE. 42(1):5-10.
  • Vagnoni, D. B., G. A. Broderick, and R. E. Muck. 1997. Preservation of protein in wilted lucerne using formic, sulphuric or trichloroacetic acid. Grass Forage Sci. 52(1):5-11.
  • Makoni, N. F., G. A. Broderick, and R. E. Muck. 1997. Effect of modified atmospheres on proteolysis and fermentation of ensiled alfalfa. J. Dairy Sci. 80(5):912-920.
  • Luchini, N. D., G. A. Broderick, R. E. Muck, N. F. Makoni, and R. L. Vetter. 1997. Effect of storage system and dry matter content on the composition of alfalfa silage. J. Dairy Sci. 80(8):1827-1832.
  • Huhnke, R. L., R. E. Muck, and M. E. Payton. 1997. Round bale silage storage losses of ryegrass and legume-grass forages. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 13(4):451-457.
  • Weinberg, Z. G. and R. E. Muck. 1996. New trends and opportunities in the development and use of inoculants for silage. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 19(1):53-68.
  • Muck, R. E. and C. A. Rotz. 1996. Bunker silo unloaders: an economic comparison. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 12(3):273-280.

Book Chapters

  • Pahlow, G., R. E. Muck, F. Driehuis, S. J. W. H. Oude Elferink, and S. F. Spoelstra. 2003. Microbiology of ensiling. Pages 31-93 in Silage Science and Technology. D. R. Buxton, R. E. Muck, and J. H. Harrison, eds. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI.
  • Muck, R. E., L. E. Moser, and R. E. Pitt. 2003. Postharvest factors affecting ensiling. Pages 251-304 in Silage Science and Technology. D. R. Buxton, R. E. Muck, and J. H. Harrison, eds. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI.
  • O’Kiely, P. and R. E. Muck. 1998. Grass silage. Pages 223-251 in Grass for Dairy Cattle. J. H. Cherney and D. J. R. Cherney, eds. CABI Publishing, New York.
  • Rotz, C. A. and R. E. Muck. 1994. Changes in forage quality during harvest and storage. Pages 828-868 in Forage Quality, Evaluation, and Utilization. G. C. J. Fahey, M. Collins, D. R. Mertens, and L. E. Moser, eds. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI.
  • Muck, R. E. and K. K. Bolsen. 1991. Silage preservation and silage additive products. Pages 105-126 in Field Guide for Hay and Silage Management in North America. K. K. Bolsen, ed. National Feed Ingredients Association, Des Moines, IA.
  • Muck, R. E. 1991. Silage fermentation. Pages 171-204 in Mixed Cultures in Biotechnology. J. G. Zeikus and E. A. Johnson, eds. McGraw Hill, New York.

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Phi Kappa Phi
  • Sigma Xi
  • Gamma Sigma Delta
  • ASAE Paper Award, Honorable Mention, 1989, Muck, R.E. and J.T. Dickerson. 1988. Storage temperature effects on proteolysis in alfalfa silage. Trans. ASAE 31:1005-1009.
  • ASAE Blue Ribbon Award, Educational Aids, Computer Programs, 1992, for DAFOSYM (Dairy Forage System Model) Version 4.0, C. Alan Rotz, Paul W. Wilkins, Dennis R. Buckmaster, David R. Mertens, Richard E. Muck, J. Roy Black.
  • ASA Certificate of Excellence, 1997, for “Corn Silage Production, Management and Feeding”, G.W. Roth, D.J. Undersander, M. Allen, S. Ford, J. Harrison, C. Hunt, J. Lauer, R. Muck and S. Soderlund.