Astrid Newenhouse
Position title: Emeritus Senior Scientist
125 Agricultural Engineering Building
460 Henry Mall
Madison, WI 53706
![Astrid Newenhouse Headshot](
Education and Certificates
- B.S. 1981 – Horticulture with honors, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Ph.D. and M.S. 1987 – Horticulture-Plant Physiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Horticulture Therapy Continuing Education, Chicago Botanic Garden and others
Fields of Interest
- Sustainable crop production methods for horticulture
- Labor efficiency in agricultural production systems
- Technology transfer and diffusion of innovations
- Injury prevention and intervention evaluation in occupational health
- Small scale horticulture production systems
- Living mulches, cover crops, effects of wind, and crop moisture use
- Website: Understanding Crop Irrigation, University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension. January 30, 2015.
- Panuska J, Sanford S, and Newenhouse A. 2014. Methods to Monitor Soil Moisture. University of Wisconsin-Extension Publication A3600-02.
- Newenhouse A, Panuska J, Schmitt B, Maerz N, Chipman K. 2014. Crop canopy monitoring in vegetable fields to improve irrigation scheduling and water use efficiency (poster). UW Cooperative Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Education Program Area Annual Meeting, October 20-22, Wisconsin Dells, WI. Also Farm Technology Days, August 12-14, 2014, Stevens Point WI.
- Reinemann D, Heinzen J, and Newenhouse A. 2014. Wind Turbines & Farm Stray Voltage. Midwest Rural Energy Council & University of Wisconsin Extension Publication GWQ065.
- Reinemann D, Heinzen J, and Newenhouse A. 2014. How do Wind Turbines Generate Electricity? Midwest Rural Energy Council Publication.
- Newenhouse A, and Colquhoun J. 2014. Cranberry Grower’s Guide to the St. Johnsworts. (Wisconsin Cranberry Board,
- Baumann J, Weigel B, Callis A, Billings C, Binder M, Genskow K, Cook C, Exo J, and Newenhouse A. 2013. Wisconsin’s Nutrient Reduction Strategy. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Publication with University of Wisconsin-Extension.
- Karsh BT, Newenhouse AC, Chapman LJ. 2013. Barriers to the adoption of ergonomic innovations to control musculoskeletal disorders and improve performance. Applied Ergonomics 44(1):161-167.
- Chapman LJ, Newenhouse AC. 2013. Wisconsin nursing home staff perceptions of a falls management intervention. Wisconsin Medical Journal 112(4):162-168.
- Aguirre-Villegas H, Kraatz S, Milani F, Newenhouse A, Passos-Fonseca T, Reinemann D. 2011. Understand the Carbon Footprint of Cheese: Sustainable Cheese Production. University of Wisconsin Extension Publication A3934.
- Newenhouse A, 2010-2011. Growing Fresh Market Vegetable Crops: Plain Language Guides. Series of four University of Wisconsin Extension Publications, A3904-01-04.
- Chapman LJ, Newenhouse AC, Karsh BT. 2010. Evaluation of a three year intervention to increase adoption of safer nursery crop production practices. Applied Ergonomics 41(1):18-26.
- Chapman LJ, Newenhouse AC, Karsh BT, Taveira AD. 2009. The use and value of information systems as evaluated by dairy and specialty crop farm managers. Journal of Agromedicine 14(3):324-335.
- Chapman L, Taveira A, Karsh B, Josefsson KG, Newenhouse A, Meyer RH. 2009. Work exposures, injuries and musculoskeletal discomfort among children and adolescents in dairy farming. Journal of Agromedicine 14 (1):9-21.
- Chapman LJ, Newenhouse AC, Pereira KM, Karsh B, Meyer RM, Brunette CM, Ehlers J. 2008. Evaluation of a four year intervention to reduce musculoskeletal hazards among berry growers. Journal of Safety Research 39(2):215-224.
- Newenhouse AC, Miquelon MG, Chapman LJ. 2006. Efficiency tools for field growers. (Presentation and paper) Proceedings of the International Plant Propagators Society. Eastern Region, North America Annual Mtng. Oct. 4-7. Grand Rapids, MI.
- Newenhouse AC, Miquelon MG, Chapman LJ. Work Efficiency Tip Sheet series. 2004. Topics include a one-person hitch for tractors, a strap-on stool for field work, and motorized lay-down work carts.
- Chapman LJ, Newenhouse AC, Meyer RH, Taveira AD, Karsh B, Ehlers JJ, Palermo T. Evaluation of an intervention to reduce musculoskeletal hazards among fresh market vegetable growers. Applied Ergonomics 2004; 35:57-66.
- Chapman L, Newenhouse A, Meyer R, Karsh B, Taveira A, Miquelon M. Musculoskeletal discomfort, injuries, and tasks accomplished by children and adolescents in Wisconsin fresh market vegetable production. J. of Agricultural Safety and Health 2003;9(2): 91-105.
- Newenhouse, A, Meyer RH, Chapman LJ. Work efficiency tips for small-scale growers. In L. Kitinoja and A. Kader, Eds. Small-Scale Post-Harvest Handling Practices: A Manual for Horticultural Crops. 4th ed. Postharvest Technology Research and Information Center: University of California-Davis 2002, p 38-40.
- Delahaut, K. and A. Newenhouse. Growing Fresh Market Vegetable Crops in WI, A Guide For Fresh Market Growers. 1997, 1998, 2003. Series of seven University of Wisconsin Extension Publications A3684-88, A3785.
- Newenhouse AC, Wilson S. Wind limits growth of young apple trees. HortScience 1991; 26(6):112.
- Newenhouse AC, Dana MN. Grass living mulch for strawberry plants. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science 1989;114(6):859-862.
Engineering Practice
- Midwest Rural Energy Council Scholar
- Scientist on USDA-NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant, working on crop irrigation
- Worked on a USDA project on falls prevention among rural elderly
- Content specialist and guest on the WI Gardener TV show
- Evaluation specialist for agriculture-related projects
- UW-Extension vegetable crops specialist
- UW-Extension 4-H plant and soil science specialist, mechanical science liaison
- Agriculture consultant for government groups in Australia and Belize
- Researcher on fruit and vegetable crops for University of Wisconsin and the Dept. of Primary Industries in Tasmania, Australia
- Instructor, University horticulture classes and Master Gardener training
Expertise Summary
Astrid Newenhouse is a senior scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison working on projects in a wide range of topics. She performs research, writes publications, produces outreach materials, and analyzes data. Currently at the Department of Biological Systems Engineering she works with the Midwest Rural Energy Council. With a background in horticulture, Astrid has field research experience on topics including crop water use, nutrient management, nitrogen loss to tile drains, living mulches to reduce pesticide use, information dissemination for farmers, rural occupational and public health interventions, and ergonomic tools for small scale farmers. In Extension, Astrid has worked in 4-H curriculum development, Master Gardener training, Wisconsin Master Naturalist training, and outreach to fresh market farmers. Astrid is a regular guest on WI Public Radio and has worked extensively on The Wisconsin Gardener TV show.