Kevin Shinners
Position title: Emeritus Professor
Phone: (608) 263-0756 or (608) 265-6737
125 Agricultural Engineering Building
460 Henry Mall
Madison, WI 53706

Program Affiliations
- Biological Systems Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
Education and Certificates
- B.S. 1981 – University of Wisconsin-Madison
- M.S. 1982 – University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Ph.D. 1985 – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Fields of Interest
- Engineering aspects of systems to cut, dry, harvest, package, store, fractionate and process biological plant material to be used as ruminant animal feed or as a biomass feedstock for production of bio-energy and bio-products.
- Sensors and sensor systems to measure machine performance and crop material properties for Precision Farming systems as applied to hay, forage and bio-mass crops.
- EPD 160: Introduction to Engineering Design
- BSE/ME 475: Engineering Principles of Agricultural Machines
- BSE/ME 476: Engineering Principles of Off-Road Vehicles
- Advisor for UW 1/4 Scale Tractor Team
- Shinners, K.J. and B.M. Huenink. 2003. Precision agriculture as applied to North American hay and forage production. Proceedings of the International Conference on Crop Harvesting and Processing, Louisville, KY.
- Shinners, K.J. and J.D. Bacon. 2003. Research concerning mechanical processing of North American forage crops to enhance feed value. Proceedings of the International Conference on Crop Harvesting and Processing, Louisville, KY.
- Shinners, K.J., B.N. Binversie and P. Savoie. 2003. Harvest and storage of wet and dry corn stover as a biomass feedstock. ASAE Paper No. 036088.
- Shinners, K.J., B.N. Binversie and P. Savoie. 2003. Whole-plan corn harvesting for biomass: comparison of single-pass and multi-pass harvest systems. ASAE Paper No. 036089.
- P. Savoie, K.J. Shinners and B.N. Binversie. 2003. Hydrodynamic separation of grain and stover components in corn silage. ASAE Paper No. 036086.
- Shinners, K.J., B.G. Huenink, R.M. Muck and K.A. Albrecht. 2002. Large round bale storage: twine, net wrap and low moisture wrapped silage. ASAE Paper No. 021067.
Shinners, K.J., N.G. Barnett and W.M. Schlesser. 2000. Measuring mass-flow-rate on forage cutting equipment. ASAE Paper No. 001036. - Shinners, K.J., N.G. Barnett and W.M. Schlesser. 2000. Measuring mass-flow-rate and moisture on large square baler. ASAE Paper No. 001037.
- Shinners, K.J., A.G. Jirovec, R.D. Shaver and M. Bal. 2000. Processing whole-plant corn silage with crop processing rolls on a pull-type forage harvester. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 16(4):323-331.
- Shinners, K.J., A.G. Jirovec, R.D. Shaver and M. Bal. 2000. Processing wilted alfalfa with crop processing rolls on a pull-type forage harvester. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 16(4):333-340.
- Shinners, K.J. 2000. Evaluation of methods to improve storage characteristics of large square bales in a humid climate. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 16(4):341-350.
- Shinners, K.J., R.J. Straub, R.L. Huhnke and D.J. Undersander. 1996. Harvest and storage losses associated with mid-size rectangular bales. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 12(2):167-173.
Engineering Practice
- Research Engineer – New Holland, North America
- Manager of Product Planning – John Deere Ottumwa Works